Why Massage?
Massage therapy treatment has a therapeutic effect on the body and optimizes health and well-being by acting on muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physical function can be developed, maintained and improved; and physical dysfunction and pain and the effects of stress can be relieved or prevented by Massage Therapy.
The therapeutic effects are achieved by using Swedish and modern massage techniques that have a proven record track record of promoting healing and well-being over the hundreds of years that massage has been used.
Benefits of Massage Therapy?
Massage therapy treatments provided by a Registered Massage Therapist can offer significant benefits for a variety of conditions and for diverse patient populations. Whether you need to have a moment of relaxation, reduce muscle tension or attain relief from chronic pain, massage therapy can enhance your overall well-being. Massage therapy can help alleviate musculoskeletal disorders associated with everyday stress, muscular overuse, physical manifestation of mental distress and many persistent pain syndromes.
Massage therapy can be an important part of your health maintenance plan by:
Reducing or eliminating pain
Improving joint mobility
Improving lymphatic drainage
Reducing muscular tension
Massage therapy can treat both acute and chronic conditions. RMTs work with a wide variety of patients in the treatment of illness, injury, rehabilitation and disability.
- Anxiety and Depression- Arthritis- Asthma & Emphysema - Cancer- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - Chronic Fatigue- Dislocations- Edema - Fibromyalgia - Headaches - Inflammatory Conditions - Insomnia - Lymphoedema - MS - Muscle Tension - Parkinson's - Plantar Fasciitis- Post-Surgical Rehab- PTSD- Pregnancy - Sciatica - Scoliosis - Sports Injuries - Strains & Sprains - Stress - Stroke - Tendinitis - Whiplash
Your massage therapist will require an overall picture of your current health and a detailed health history in order to design a treatment plan that’s right for you. If a massage therapist determines that your condition would be better treated by another healthcare professional, the therapist will make the appropriate referral.